Business Assistant
Business Assistant.iso
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1,135 lines
A program for writing checks and maintaining
check account records on an IBM-PC.
copyright 1986
Michael D. Brown
6019 Kilgore Ave.
Muncie IN 47304
Individuals are granted permission by the author to freely
copy this ChxWrite diskette for their own use or for evaluation
by other individuals, as long as no price or other consider-
ation is charged. (However, a disribution charge may be made
for the cost of the disk, shipping and handling as long as the
charge is not more than $6 total.) ChxWrite may not be rented
to others or sold as part of some other more inclusive package.
Use these explanatory sections to walk yourself through the program
for the first time (perhaps using the sample record files provided:
checks.dta and checks.inx). Refer to them only when needed. If you
have any computer experience at all, you'll find that most of ChxWrite
is self explanatory. Later, use them with the index to answer your
questions about ChxWrite's features, the use of utility programs,
To run the program, make sure the following files are in the
current directory:
checks.dta (Or the .dta, inx. and .frm files of your account;
checks.inx see "Creating and Changing Check Record Files"
checks.frm for more information.)
In answer to the DOS prompt, type "ChxWrite" and press return.
ChxWrite first asks you to enter the name of the checking account
you want to work with. After you've created your own account files,
you'll enter a name here. But if this is your first time through,
just press return and the default name "checks" will be entered
for you.
(This means that, if you're always going to be working with the
same checking account, you can name it "checks" and save typing
the name here and in check printing, where the default name is
Using Auto-Balance
This feature keeps a running checkbook balance as you write,
print and save checks. If your balance gets into the red, this
feature warns you. To turn on Auto-Balance, enter a number.
Not entering a number tells ChxWrite that you don't want to use
this feature during this session.
Using the STR Extra Comment option
This feature allows a comment (maximum 25 characters) to be
entered when a check is saved and then printed on the Session Trans-
action Report at the end of the session . For more information, see
SAVING YOUR CHECK RECORDS and the sub-section, "Paper Records for Your
Checks." If this is your first time through ChxWrite, just press
the space bar and this option will be turned off.
Now ChxWrite asks you for the number of a check record to edit.
In other words, it's time to write a check and ChxWrite wants to
know which old check record to base the new check upon. For
information on selecting an old check record, see CHOOSING A RECORD
TO EDIT below. If you want to get started writing a check right
away, just press return and the default record, #1, will be chosen.
You'll see that a graphic representation of a check appears in the
upper part of the screen. You'll use this as a guide for entering the
information which will be printed on your paper checks. Notice that
there are areas where different kinds of information will go. Also
notice that the name of the current .dta file (or "checking account")
appears on the check in the upper left hand corner.
This part of ChxWrite is analogous to filling in the information
on a regular paper check, except that,
-ChxWrite automatically fills in much of the information for you,
-ChxWrite allows you word-processor style editing of the
If you've ever used a word processor, full screen editor, PC-FILE,
or other program with data input and editing facilities, using ChxWrite
will be a snap. You simply use the up and down cursor keys (or Return)
to move from one area of the check to the next. You will start at the
date, jump from there to the amount, then to the payee name, and so on.
In each area (or "field"), you may overtype the information already
there, use the space and backspace keys to erase, the right and left
cursor keys to move without erasing, and so on.
When you're finished editing, press F10 and ChxWrite shows you
what the check will look like when printed. It's that simple. Now
let's look at the fields of the check, one at a time...
ChxWrite enters the date for you automatically, always beginning
with the current date, from DOS. When you change this date, ChxWrite
assumes you want this new date on your checks for the rest of the
session. The date isn't checked for any standard format, so you may
enter it any way you like, with hyphens, slashes, whatever. To have
a blank date, just erase the current date with the space bar.
When you're done with the date, ChxWrite left justifies it for
you and moves you to...
This is the amount which the check will be cashed for. If you
are using an old check record as a basis for this check and the
amount that appears is not the amount you want for this check:
- erase the old amount (using the space bar) and enter a new one
- or overtype those characters which you want to change.
As in other places, ChxWrite will try to see that you enter appro-
priate information, so, if you type a letter rather than a number here,
you will hear a beep. (You'll also be beeped at if you exceed the limit
on the number of characters.) The limit is $99,999.99. A later verssion
of ChxWrite will support writing checks for larger amounts.
If you enter an even dollar amount, ChxWrite will, after you've
finished editing the check, add the cents, (e.g. $10 will become
$10.00). Also, if you specified the balance option, your trial
checkbook balance will be altered by the amount of the check.
--Recording a Deposit--
The standard way to keep track of deposits with
ChxWrite is to make the first letter of the payee
name a "+" character. ChxWrite then assumes that the
record is a deposit when calculating the balance and
in some other areas. However, it is not necessary
that ChxWrite keep a record of deposits at all, par-
ticularly if you are using this program along with
a regualar paper checkbook where your deposits may
be recorded or if you don't want ChxWrite to help
keep track of your balance. Once again, maximum
flexibility is the goal. In fact, using ChxWrite'
files with PC-File, you could use the account number,
check number or even memo fields (by changing them,
in the filename.hdr file, to numeric fields) along
with PC-File's powerful report features to keep a
record of the balance in just about any way you can
This, of course, is the name of the en